Well Done Tips
Joined April 24th, 201563 Instructables 2,017,912 Views 11 Comments 911 Followers
Well Done Tips's Instructables
1M+ Views
Earned a silver medal
10+ Featured Instructable
Earned a silver medal
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the For the Home Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Build-A-Tool Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Fix It Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Books and Bookshelves Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Magnets Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Battery-Powered Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Metal Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Reclaimed Materials Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Metal Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Clocks Speed Challenge
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Modify It Speed Challenge
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Build a Tool Contest
Contest Winner
Grand Prize in the Lighting Challenge
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Backyard Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Indoor Lighting Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Make it Move Contest
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the PVC Contest 2017
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Make It Move Contest 2017
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Lights Contest 2017
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Solar Contest 2016